Young Naturalist



In 2023,  we are adding one more library partner: Betts library! We are so excited to continue teaching the young naturalists in Syracuse through experiences with the world around them. This fall we have been at Fayetteville and Petit Library. 

Young Naturalists held 29 programs in the years 2021 and 2022 combined. During these years, we worked with Fayetteville, Petit, Liverpool and Skaneateles libraries.

Young Naturalist started out in 2015 with  a 1 week program at 1 library. It grew to a monthly program at suburban and urban libraries in CNY. read about its early history here: 

To see what Young Naturalist has done since 2021 click below:

Also Young Naturalist ESF interns have created many lessons /activities, to see a sampling click below 

IWLA and Young Naturalist also does stream monitoring programs with Middle Schools and High Schools. 


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