Project WHIRL

Overview of Project WHIRL

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Project WHIRL is a program, initiated by the CNY Chapter,  in which high school students (mentees) learn about the natural environment in the Indian River Watershed from environmental fields professionals and college students (mentors) studying in an environmental science field.

Mentees will conduct field research, identify environmental threats, and implement remediation measures and management plans that benefit the watershed's habitats and communities, and document outcomes.

Mentees will engage in community outreach and education to inspire cross-generational community involvement in stewarding Indian River Watershed.

============= Read story that appeared in Outdoor America

Ikes in Action: WHIRL Engages Students And Creates Future Conservationists 

"Whoa!! What was that??" exclaimed an enthusiastic student.
N Turned out it was an otter, up close, in an opening in the streambank's cattails. She was curious about what all the activity was on "her" stream. Of course, everyone was slow to react, so no pictures were taken before the otter slid out of sight, but I'd be willing to bet that all present will have that scene etched in their memories forever.
The otter appeared during the wrap up of a busy day of handson interactive activities for the participants, on waterways and waterbodies in the Indian River Lakes watershed. The program, Protectors of Water and Habitat on the Indian River Lakes (WHIRL) was created when several Central New York (CNY) Chapter Ikes visited with staff and board members from the Indian River Lakes Conservancy (IRLC). IRLC is an influential and growing land trust dedicated to educating the public about the region's unique beauty, its opportunities and protecting it all.

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